Context-Free Grammar (CFG) is a set of production rules that describe all possible strings in a given formal language. For example;
A → x
A → y
B → z
With these defined rules, we can replace A with 'x' or 'y' ; B with 'z' for output. Context-Free Grammar G is defined by the 4 value;
V = In grammer rules, this shows the elements named "variables" where be on the left side of grammer arrows. Variables are not include in our outputs. For our example V={A,B}.
T = In grammer rules, this shows the elements named "alphabet" where be on the right side of grammer arrows. We create the output with these elements. For our example T={x,y,z}.
P = This symbolize set of Grammer rules.
S = This indicate the Start State. Start state shows us to which rule or rules we have to use to apply the grammer rules. For our example S={A}.
Let's use these with example
S → 0A01
A → 1B
B → 010
Let's start with determination of these gammer G's values;
V = {S , A , B} T = {1 , 0} S = {S} ===> G=({S , A , B} , {1 , 0} , P , {S})
Now we can generate out output. For example we can generate this output with given grammer rules;
S → 0A01 → 01B01 → 0101001
For understand better, we can represent example with Derivation Tree.
E → E + E
E → E * E
E → number
This example's grammer rules make addition and multiplication. Let's assume the E = 2*3+4 and when we apply the grammer rules to E, it will be accepted.
Let's try to draw this example's derivation tree:
As you can see, with this grammer rules, we can draw more than one derivation trees. This situation called a Ambigous. We need to add some variables to solve this problem. When we add some variables to grammer rules, this derivation trees can not be same.
E → T | E + T
E → F | T * F
F → number
Now we can draw a derivation tree of this rules.
E → T | E - T
E → F | T / F
F → number | ( E )
In this example, you can try the grammer rules via program. With given Expression, you can examine how grammer rules work.
2) Above examples what we work on, derived from examples in Automata Theory lesson's laboratory studies.