About Page

This page generates transition diagram for Deterministic finite automaton with given transition table.
Each leftmost cell of table represent a name of a state.
You have to add '--' for start state and '*' for final state to beginning of state name.
In transition diagram every node is a state. Linkes between nodes shows transitions. Linkes has arrows for direction of transition.
Initial state will be leftmost and final state will be rigthmost in diagram.
Diagram can be refreshed with "Reload Diagram" button which is located on top of page.
Transition table is editable so you can generate your own transition diagram.
That's all!

Transition Table

0 1
--q1 q2
q2 q3 q3
*q3 q1 q2

Transition Diagram


GoJS | Interactive JavaScript Diagrams in HTML


Furkan Sarıhan | GitHub