"Finite state machine" + "a stack"
Definition of the pushdown automaton
Our formal notation for a pushdown automaton involves seven componenents.The specification of a PDA:P = (Q,∑,Γ,δ,qo,Zo,F )
The components have the following meanings:
- Q : Set of states
- ∑ : Input alphabet
- Γ : Stack symbol
- δ : Transition function
- qo : Initial state
- Zo : Start symbol
- F : Set of final states
A pushdown automaton has three components :
- an input tape
- a control unit
- a stack
- Push
- Pop
State Diagram
- According to the current situation, the incoming input is checked.
- The stack pop () is made and stack push () is made.
- State changes may also occur.

PDA Implemantation
To explain my application; The entered text will be checked to see if the input is accepted by putting a character in the finite control unit.
I made an application that show the steps of PDA. On this link you can download the jar file on GitHub
Reference :
This page contains the push and pop operations in stack step by step for Push Down Automata.
This page was made by Seda Çağlar.Thanks for visit.