Question Brief Answer
What is SSS? SSS is a simple tool for handling classes and objects.
An article by Alper Coskun explains it best.
Who is the author? M Akif Eyler from Istanbul, Turkey.
Is it for beginners only? SSS would be very useful for a beginner learning java.lang.String or A programmer mastering or java.util.TreeSet would also benefit from fast learning. Experienced programmers will also find it useful as a fast inspector.
On which system does it run? Being a pure-Java application, it works on all platforms where JVM (Java Versin 6 or higher) is installed.
Do I need to expand the jar file? No, the proper way to run SSS is
% java -jar sssDemo.jar
Both Windows and Linux platforms allow you to use "open with" command and then enter "java -jar" as the command. This will connect jar files to the JVM and you can open them just by clicking on them. (When JVM is installed, this connection is automatic)
When I invoke a method "X10" is written in the text field. Why? Every object under inspection must have a name. (Names are always better than addresses.) So every time a new object will be returned, the user is asked to supply a name. X10 is the default name for the first object. It will become X11, X12, ... as needed.
How do I get the full version? SSS is in the public domain. Download SSS
Why SSS? Small: about 300K, as a jar file
Simple: you can use it with no knowledge of Java language
Safe: only public members are accessible

Previous Page Next Page Program by Akif Eyler. Web design by Celalettin Penbe. Last update: Sep 2015