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accept(String) - Method in class work.Automaton
This is an abstract method for checking the acceptance of input string.
accept(String) - Method in class work.DFA
This method checks the input string and prints result step by step.
accept(String) - Method in class work.NFA
This method checks the input string and prints result step by step.
accept(String, char) - Method in class work.PDA
This method checks the input string for automaton and prints result step by step.
accept(String) - Method in class work.PDA1
Checks and prints the input string for acceptance.
Automaton - Class in work
This abstract class contains the fundamental methods of an automaton.
Automaton() - Constructor for class work.Automaton


clear() - Method in class work.Stack
This method empty the stack.


delta(DFA.State, char) - Method in class work.DFA
This method determines and returns the next state of automaton for given state and input char.
delta(NFA.State, char) - Method in class work.NFA
This method determines and returns the next state of automaton for given state and input char.
delta(char, char) - Method in class work.PDA
This abstract method determines and returns the next state of automaton for given char inputs.
delta(char, char) - Method in class work.PDA1
This method determines and returns the next state of automaton for given char inputs.
DFA - Class in work
This class extends Automaton abstract class and work as a Deterministic Finite Automaton for (1+0)*10.
DFA() - Constructor for class work.DFA
dfa - Static variable in class work.DFA
An instance of DFA to test.


getStates() - Static method in class work.DFA
This static method returns the enumerated class.
getStates() - Static method in class work.NFA
This static method returns the enumerated class.


isEmpty() - Method in class work.Stack
This method checks the stack emptiness.


main(String[]) - Static method in class work.DFA
This is the main method which makes use of test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class work.NFA
This is the main method which makes use of test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class work.PDA1
This is the main method which makes use of test method.
main(String[]) - Static method in class work.Stack
This main method pushes and pops various inputs to test stack.


NFA - Class in work
This class extends Automaton abstract class and work as a Nondeterministic Finite Automaton for (1+0)*10.
NFA() - Constructor for class work.NFA
nfa - Static variable in class work.NFA
An instance of NFA to test.


PDA - Class in work
This abstract class extends Automaton abstract class and contains fundamentals of a Push-Down Automaton.
PDA() - Constructor for class work.PDA
PDA1 - Class in work
This class extends PDA class and completes the abstract metods.
PDA1() - Constructor for class work.PDA1
pop() - Method in class work.Stack
This method returns the char on top of the stack and deletes char from stack.
push(char) - Method in class work.Stack
This method adds new char to the stack's top.
push(String) - Method in class work.Stack
This method adds a string's chars separately into the stack.


Stack - Class in work
This class works as stack data structure contains char.
Stack() - Constructor for class work.Stack
This constructer method clear the stack.


test(String) - Method in class work.Automaton
This method checks the inputs and prints the result step by step.
toString() - Method in class work.Stack
This method returns the elements of stack as a string.


work - package work
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